Minion Bomber Build (PVP-RA)
A personal build, long evolving from a fastcast Me/N bomber, to an N/E with earth or water snares, to this monstrosity:
Death 12+3+1
Curses 10+1
Soul Reaping 8+1
Summon Bone Minions
Death Nova
Taste of Death
Spiteful Spirit [E]
Insiduous Parasite
Glyph of Lesser Energy
Resurrection Signet
In order to make myself useful in the beginning, I slap Enfeeble, SS and Insidious on an incoming warrior or ranger. The weakness and life-steal is usually enough to keep me alive (since I tend to be the squishiest target sometimes), and I can always cast more enfeebles in case there's more than one of them.
When a corpse finally drops, often from the SS'd Wammo who doesn't know how to stop hitting, I change agendas and spawn death nova'd minions. The 210 AOE damage is usually enough to take down another player or 2 (with the help of party members), and the vicious cycle continues. They're a bit unpredictable, but it keeps me alive pretty well when I time the explosions right. Not to mention devastating in tightly packed sardine groups.
The glyph is there, despite of SR, for extra energy (pulling off another summon right after being ressed), but I can replace it with arcane echo, imagined burden (no need for illusion AP, 8 second snare is usually enough) or even verata's aura, in case I go toe to toe with another MM (it's fun to steal). I'm torn between either bringing SS or Virulence as my elite to finish off bombing survivors with that extra degen.
I don't think it's very viable in TA or HA, my few experiences tend to have people PO'd over me even bringing a summon skill. That's what I like about RA... it's much more flexible rather than pigeon holeing you into the FotM.